Course Overview

Become an expert in Jenkins by mastering Build Pipeline, Reporting, Email & Build plugins, Secure Jenkins, Tomcat 7 and other related concepts.

What are the objectives of this course?

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

1. Understand the Continuous Integration/Delivery concepts and Build Pipelines

2. Configure and build basic Tools/Plugins

3. Use Jenkins to set up Build Pipelines

4. Perform Unit and Integration testing with Jenkins

5. Administer Jenkins by performing Backups/Restores

6. Understand the Master/Slave Topologies

7. Build and deploy simple applications to Tomcat 7 containers.

Who is it intended for?

The course is designed for all those who want to master Jenkins. The following professionals can go for this course:

1. Agile Managers leading an Agile team wanting to understand concepts like Continuous Integration/Delivery

2. Individual Contributors in the field of DevOps

3. Developers/Administrators who want to gain acceleration in their careers as “Jenkins Developer”.


The pre-requisites for this course include Intermediate scripting knowledge in Windows and knowledge of basic testing frameworks like JUNIT or TestNG. Knowledge of Maven/Ant is beneficial but not mandatory. Some awareness of Server topologies and Release management is recommended, but not mandatory.


Course Content




  • 165

  • 0

  • 0



  • Course level beginner
  • Course Duration 10 weeks
  • Lessions 0
  • Quizzes 0
  • Pass Percentage 80
  • Certificate Yes
  • Language English