Course Overview

Data Analytics with R training will help you gain expertise in R Programming, Data Manipulation, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Data Mining, Regression, Sentiment Analysis and using R Studio for real life case studies on Retail, Social Media.

What are the objectives of this course?

After the completion of the MyCareerCube Data Analytics with R course, you should be able to:
1. Understand concepts around Business Intelligence and Business Analytics.
2. Explore Recommendation Systems with functions like Association Rule Mining , user-based collaborative filtering and Item-based collaborative filtering among others.
3. Apply various supervised machine learning techniques.
4. Perform Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
5. Learn where to use algorithms – Decision Trees, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Ensemble Techniques etc.
6. Use various packages in R to create fancy plots.
7. Work on a real-life project, implementing supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques to derive business insights.

Who is it intended for?

This course is meant for all those students and professionals who are interested in working in analytics industry and are keen to enhance their technical skills with exposure to cutting-edge practices. This is a great course for all those who are ambitious to become ‘Data Analysts’ in near future. This is a must learn course for professionals from Mathematics, Statistics or Economics background and interested in learning Business Analytics.


The pre-requisites for learning ‘Data Analytics with R’ includes basic statistics knowledge. We provide a complimentary course “Statistics Essentials for R” to all the participants who enroll for the Data Analytics with R Training. This course helps you brush up your statistics skills.

Course Content




  • 165

  • 0

  • 0



  • Course level beginner
  • Course Duration 10 weeks
  • Lessions 0
  • Quizzes 0
  • Pass Percentage 80
  • Certificate Yes
  • Language English